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Asset Portfolio


Distressed asset management recovery and solutions

Main Programs

Portfolio evaluations, exit strategies, underwriting, due diligence, asset valuations, acquisition and disposition of distressed and related assets.
Full range of services relating to distressed portfolios, asset restructuring, intensive loan servicing and collections.
International recovery services for private sector commercial debt

Latest News


PW Management Alliance
National Credit Group is proud to announce a strategic alliance with PW Management to place distressed assets through internal networks . .


Demand Deposit Accounts
NCG continues to be a direct aquirer of assets from major national banking institutions. .

What We Do

We are dedicated to recovering profits from under-performing consumer debt portfolios

We offer sellers an opportunity to unlock the value of their dormant delinquent receivables and offers buyers the opportunity to acquire accounts which best fit their business models and geographic servicing capabilities. NCG's management experience and expertise allows business partners and clients to leverage unique capabilities and increase capacity with their own return on investment.

National Credit Group: a new perspective on the restructuring nature and recovery of distressed assets.

Contact Us

Corporate Office

Telephone: +1 866 870 9018

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